This phenomenon  can be caused by solar generation and "solar eating" (where the Wallbox using the solar energy which would otherwise be exported to the grid, to charge the vehicle) hovering around the minimum threshold the Wallbox requires to begin charging (0.5kW).

This means that the CrowdCharge controller tells the Walbox to charge at/around 0.5kW and then 0.0kW as the solar energy bounces above and below the threshold.

In the image below, from left to right you can see 3 distinct phases.

1. The solar generation/grid export below the 0.5kW threshold

2. The solar generation/grid export reaching the 0.5kW threshold triggerting the purpising phenomenon for several minutes 3. The solar generation/grid export clearing the 0.5kW threshold and stabilising the Wallbox charging rate (0.8kW) as the solar generation/grid export rate increases.